Thank you to all who joined us to
Race the River!

The Race the River event accommodated any human-powered outdoor activity anywhere within the Fraser Watershed. Participants logged their kilometers walked, biked, paddled, swam or rolled to help us collectively travel over 10,000 kms (7 lengths of the Fraser River) faster than Fin Donnelly swam the river 28 years ago!

Our collective Race the River 2022 distance totalled an astonishing:

10,456.7 kms!

The Challenge

Globally, we are facing a nature emergency and climate crisis. We know the Fraser Watershed is in trouble. The number of spawning salmon is a good indicator of watershed health:

Historically, 50 million Sockeye salmon returned annually to the Fraser River.
In 2022, despite it being a dominant year for sockeye, the reported number was only about 5.5 million.

Now, more than ever, it is important for us to connect with our watershed and join a movement to protect and restore the Fraser Watershed.

More Than a Race

Race the River was designed around building community, connecting to the watershed and coming together to work toward Watershed CPR (Connect. Protect. Restore). Each kilometre travelled has helped to build a community more invested in the resiliency of the Fraser River.

Participants were provided with routes to explore within the watershed. Check them out today to enhance your connection to the Fraser Watershed!

Race the River 2022 sponsors: